The Freedom fight of Bangladesh: It was started on 26th March in 1971 and ended with the freedom of Bangladesh on 16th December in 1971, the most memorable day for all Bangladeshi people. The fight continued for nine months against Pakistan. The armed fight was the culmination of a series of events, different conditions and issues contributing to the progressively deteriorating Pakistan.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as a leader of Awamileague gained 167 seats out of 169 approved for East Pakistan in the National Election of 1970, the only representative for the citizen of East Pakistan and elected leader of the Pakistan National Assembly. But the Pakistan municipal and armed ruling division refused to hand over the control to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, leader of Awamileague. Sheikh Mujib also denied deferring to the complexity put on him for undue regulation. His famous address on 7th March 1971 prepared this point rather clear to Pakistani Military Junta. To decide important issues civil defense movement and discussion between Sheikh Mujib and Yahya was started. Beyond this the troops of Pakistani armed forces were coming more quickly to Bangladesh and started their killing operation of innocent citizen all over the country. This is the evidence of their cruelty and unfairness about handover of power to the elected Government of Bangladesh. Without any former talk genocide began, with the Pakistani army’s assault on the people of East Pakistan at the midnight of 25th March 1971. The Bengali soldier’s section in the then Pakistani Armed Military and Para Military forces declared at once their unity with the liberation war.